Texas Solar Incentives
Texas offers excellent solar incentive programs that could help you go solar for less. SolarX USA is a residential solar company in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to help homeowners attain energy independence and security while taking advantage of the incentives, tax credits, and solar rebate programs offered in the State of Texas.

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Qualified homeowners with home solar could be eligible for a tax credit of up to 30% against the cost of the system.
The solar tax credit, one of several federal tax credits available to consumers through the year 2032, allows homeowners to subtract 30 percent of the cost of installing a home solar panel system off of their federal tax return.
TXU Energy Home Solar Buyback Plan
Bill credits for the excess solar power a home solar panel installation creates. (Must live in a service area.)
TXU Energy is the largest retail electric provider (REP) in Texas, and powers more homes and businesses than any other provider.
With TXU Energy’s Home Solar Buyback plan, customers can get paid for the excess energy their home solar installation generates. TXU customers can earn automatic clean energy bill credits to offset up to 100% of energy charges on their electricity bill each month. This is also known as net metering. If you need more electricity than your solar panel system generates, you pay a simple, flat rate for wind or solar power from the grid.
Get Started with Solar
Contact Solar X USA for quality solar system installation and continuing service after the sale.
(281) 826-9595
2626 W Loop South, Houston, TX 77054

Solar Energy System Property Tax Exemption
Property tax exemption on the added home value from the installed solar panels in Texas.
Add a new rooftop solar panel system to your home in Texas and your property taxes won’t go up. Installing a photovoltaic (PV) system in Texas could also help you increase the value of your home
Local Utility Company Solar Rebates
Rebate to reduce solar’s up-front cost or after system’s installation (varies by utility).
If you’re a customer of American Electric Power (AEP) Texas, Austin Energy,CPS Energy,or Oncor, you may be eligible to get a cash incentive of $2,500 to $8,500 for the KwH of solar power installed in your home. This varies by electric provider, solar PV panel system size, location, and income.